The Digital Collaborative Bank

The biggest workforce coalition of NHS Trusts in the country


NHS Trusts working together for over 6 million patients

With our common vision of breaking down employment barriers for healthcare professionals covering temporary shifts in NHS organisations, our partner Trusts aim to offer our communities the best possible care by ensuring every patient sees the right doctor at the right time.

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10 NHS Trusts and over 9,000 doctors coming together

The Digital Collaborative Bank now spans across 6 ICSs, where 10 NHS Trusts share a pool of over 9,000 doctors covering all specialities and grades, filling an average of 60,000 vacant shifts per year.

The Digital Collaborative Bank was initially a grassroot project led by Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS FT and the Royal Surrey NHS FT which allowed doctors at both organisations to access and cross-cover vacant shifts. Less than 18 months after its launch, the collaborative expanded to Hampshire Hospitals NHS FT, Salisbury NHS FT and Dorset County Hospital NHS FT.

Following its proven success, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT, University Hospitals Dorset NHS FT, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS FT, and, most recently, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS FT have joined with all Trusts sharing the belief in collaboration over competition.

This model addresses some of the key issues raised in the NHS Long Term Plan and the NHS Interim People Plan, which acknowledges the scale of the challenge the health service is facing and sets out clear goals to recruit and retain more staff. We’ve established tech-enabled staff bank services to make shifts more visible by removing practical barriers to staff moving between organisations and improve patient safety.

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Join the biggest Staff Bank for medics in the country


Benefits to Trusts

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Access to a larger pool of doctors ensuring over 90% shift fill rates

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Reduced admin, overheads and agency spend

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Improved patient continuity of care

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“I am driven and passionate about my role as an NHS leader as well as specifically the leader of ASPH and I’m not concerned that the use of Locum’s Nest will enable my colleagues to work in other NHS Trusts, rather it gives me a sense of pride and unity with the rest of NHS.”

– Suzanne Rankin, Chief Executive Officer
Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS FT

 Top Resources



“We need a patient-need led approach to doctor deployment”



Creating a collaborative staff bank: the NHS way


How workforce technology is enabling 'Waiting List Initiatives'



How can ICSs best create shared staff banks?


The DCB: how workforce mobility is increasing efficiency

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Collaboration, not competition


For 1 extra shift a healthcare professional works collaboratively, they work an additional 3 at their own Trust.

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Join the biggest workforce coalition of NHS Trusts in the country.
